Last months report outlined the epic 18 day 650 mile bike ride that W.Bro. John Donoghue is undertaking to raise money for the 2026 Mark Festival and in memory of departed merit for brethren who have passed to the Grand Lodge above. John is the 70 year old father of 4 children, two boys and two girls. He donated one of his kidneys to his daughter Tara in 2006 and since has needed major spinal surgery, leaving him in a wheelchair for two years and requiring a metal plate to be fitted in his lower spine. Adversity is there to overcome, and John is certainly showing us the way forward in this regard. Appropriately he is setting off on St Georges Day, when we celebrate the memory of England’s patron saint.
The trail is referred to by John as the “ trail of tears “ given the anecdotes each of the travellers has to share during the evenings, while staying in the local hostels along the route. Along the “Route of St James” which John will be undertaking, he will be crossing the Pyrenees a route that has been travelled by pilgrims for over 1000 years. You can also have a stone placed at The Cruz de Ferro memorial in memory of those who have passed to the Grand Lodge above. What a great way of honouring departed merit. You need to let John know as soon as possible as his wife has to prepare the stones that he will carry on his bike until he reaches the monument.
How can you and your Lodge become involved? Simple. We would like each Lodge to support John’s epic ride by donating at least £250 to this worthy cause. The money raised will go to the M.B.F. 2026 festival and will count against your Lodges Honorifics. It is not long before John leaves so time if of the essence.
Please pay to PGL MMM Hants & IoW sort code 30‐93‐17 account number 00969185 ref Lodge name & Bike Please inform W.Bro Nigel of your Donation.