Recruitment evening

Recruitment Evening

For the last eighteen months both Mike Lewis and I have taken a back seat with regards to Lodge visits and our own version on recruiting.
As some of you may be aware the recruitment team has grown with the introduction of Terry Nye and Chris Brier who have been given a clean sheet to produce their own versions, all seems to be working well, the numbers are still on the rise so all’s well.

So we move on, together with Mike we have looked at other ways to promote, recruit and keep everyone involved, I have to say the 2026 Festival has been our main objective along with Richard Cox and Ian Mc Grain who have events on the horizon and will need all your support and I’m sure that will happen.

This week saw us going into a Craft Lodge , Richard Bond Craft Lodge No. 8281 at Purbrook and presenting a Pageant evening.

We had heads of Orders from Red Cross of Constantine, Knights Templar Priests, the Allied Degree, Royal and Select Master’s Degree and yes our Provincial Grand Master R.W. George Deacon attended with the Mark and Royal Ark Mariners Degrees, ( he was the only head of the order with two live stooges dressed in Mark and RAM Regalia). Well done to those two Brethren I thank you both.

Each head of the Orders gave a very good insight to their Degree’s which they represented, in full Regalia, spoke for around 10-15 minutes and were received with lots of interest. Information was available at the festive board and to date I have eleven Craft Brethren who have shown interest, so all in all a good evening.

There are other evenings planned for September or October, all depending if I can arrange for six heads of Orders to attend, hopefully Chapter, Knights Templar, Order of the Secret Monitor and Scarlet Cord.

That’s about all for now, remember if your Lodge has an evening with nothing on, with plenty of notice the team will be only too willing to come along and help with recruiting. Remember, we can help, but it also requires you to provide Brethren who are not members, to come along and who are looking to take their next step in Freemasonry and expand their Masonic knowledge.

Look forward to seeing you all at some time.

W.Bro. Bob Brown P.G.S.D.
Team leader for the Recruitment Program.
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